Casa de Campo Lodge

Trout Hunt & multiple day river float​

2 hours drive north from Junin de los Andes area, lays the Pehuenia district. This area hides several medium size streams and spring creeks, an ideal setting for our Trout Hunt program. You will target specific fish with your guide, planning a strategy to approach them.

This program also offers the opportunity of doing a 2 days float spending the night at SET Fly Fishing deluxe camp, under Patagonia starry sky.

Season runs November through May
Brown, Rainbow and Brook Trout

Solo Anglers, Couples, Families and groups of Friends

WiFi connection available
Horseback riding, golf, hikes, tours and more.


The food at both lodges was excellent. The guides are true professionals. The lodge experience and efficieny was excellent.

Nancy Storwick
February 20, 2024

Another wonderful trip with you guys. Will be coming back!

Geoff Murphy
February 20, 2024

The overnight camps are always great. The attention paid to the special dietary needs of my daughter was awesome.

Steve Weiter
February 20, 2024

Very well run operation. The day spent on the lake was the highlight for me. I am impressed with how the operation has involved and improved over the years I have been coming. I did not think it could get any better, but was amazed this trip at all of the little things that have been thought of-fires in the cabins, members of the team available to help at any time and the food has always been good in the past, but has somehow been elevated to gourmet status.

Brad Carlson
February 20, 2024

exceeded our expectations.
everyone went out of their way to customize our needs and meet our requests.

Ed and Eileen Krall
January 20, 2024

Heli-fishing was amazing! Top notch food and service!

Mark wells
January 20, 2024

Fishing was great Everyone we dealt with at SET was professional and extremely helpful, patient and friendly

Patrick Sullivan
January 20, 2024

The staff and guides work hard to ensure that I had a great experience. It was much appreciated as my first trip was last year, I returned this year because I had a great experience, and I plan to return again in 2024

Fran Barilar
March 20, 2024

Fabulous food, Great guides who were enthusiastic teachers, staff eager to accommodate my gluten free food limitations.

Lisa McColl
March 20, 2024

Great locations – exceptional staff at lodges – amazing meals

Tim Bartz
March 20, 2024

The combined experience of the environment, the helicopter rides, the people, food and exceptional fishing made for my favorite fly fishing trip ever.

Bob Reece
April 17, 2023

Staff was exceptional, from guides to all the lodge and support people. Helicopter fly-outs were beautiful, wonderful way to see the scope and beauty of the area. Fishing the spring creeks up to the lakes.

Stephen Vletas
December 20, 2024

Great hospitality & people, great guides & fishing, great food, and great scenery.

David Kornhauser
December 20, 2024

We had the most wonderful weather and fishing in a perfect location with wonderful service and guides

Sarah Daubert
January 20, 2024

Fishing was challenging, but very rewarding. Carlos & Nico were great guides that really helped the experience. The level of service was top notch, especially at Itati lodge, Orlando & Raul were amazing!

Greg Houck
September 20, 2024

Incredible Fishing, Food & Service… I’m a completely satisfied customer!

Matthew Johnson
March 20, 2024

Loved every minute of it , the professionalism of all staff was amazing.

Greg Gillings
April 17, 2023

Spring Creek has the best service and guides of any place I have ever visited.

Patty Lueken
February 20, 2024

The lodge accommodations, all staff and guides, food and drink were first-rate – couldn’t be better. You accommodated those in our group who had health issues arise – much appreciated. Wildlife in marsh was astounding. Nothing you could do about the weather, which clearly slowed up the fishing in the marsh. The style of fishing on the Parana was a bit surprising, but quite enjoyable with casting targets galore and excellent boat control.

Steve Born
October 20, 2024

This was our first time ever fly fishing. Our chance to learn and to receive the expert help, advice and patience of the guides was wonderful – all in such beautiful locations. We really enjoyed the fishing and how easy every aspect of fishing was made for us.

Mark Nagy
February 20, 2024

Your guides, chef and staff were fantastic! We loved Nacho, Facu was wonderful, Paco, Gonzalo, Marteen, everyone was great! Everyone made every effort to make out trip fabulous!

Clare Grady
February 20, 2024

Lucila and her attention to my pre-trip planning, Salta and the marsh, the FOOD!, Disparo and Rugua, ALL the staff attention to my needs and making me feel such a part of the Argentine culture, dinner on the Parana and simplicity of the charter flight back to Buenos Aires.

Brooke Crofts
November 20, 2024

Everything was superb. Far exceeded my expectations.

Jim Dunville
January 20, 2024

Staff, guides, fishing, food, accommodations were five star. One of the best fishing trips ever. It was my third trip to this lodge and plan to keep coming. Alphonso and Marianne are exceptional. Thanks for making this trip for our group one we will not forget.

Fitzhugh Stout
January 20, 2024

Wetlands, such a beautiful place and the fishing was incredible

Jim Burwell
October 20, 2024

Excellent trip. Very well organized. All went extremely well. Great people accomadation and food.

Gregory Moore
February 20, 2024

Helicopter trips to rivers were amazing. Overnight at Trocoman House was special. Pajarito spring creek was incredible.

Scott Sinclair
January 20, 2024

The entire experience was over the top exceptional! The setting, the people, the welcoming atmosphere was like none other I had ever experienced!

Janie McKenzie
January 20, 2024

Density and size of fish; the challenge; ability to successfully fish for trout in bright summer sun; superb guiding

John Martin
January 20, 2024

The marsh was incredible. Really made great because of the weather and the fishing. The guides were fantastic and the food was awesome. The river was tough fishing – but again, weather dependent. I enjoyed my time and grateful that our group all caught dorado’s and we were able to celebrate together.

Bryan Webb
October 20, 2024

The fishing was incredible, the accommodation was as well, and the staff was beyond friendly. The meals were memorable. Just Delicious. The two highlights for me were getting to fly the helicopter each day and catching the biggest trout I’ve ever landed on a fly rod. Pablo was so enjoyable to teach this old pilot some new tricks.

Kenneth Wells
January 20, 2024

Variety of fishing experiences – Outstanding guides
outstanding food selections and given my Celiac, I had no dietary issues the entire trip!
Cabanas and Lodge were fantastic. Waking up to warm fire and coffee!

Graeme Hodson
January 20, 2024


Alumine River

The Alumine is one of the longest rivers in northern Patagonia. This freestone river drains Lake Alumine and continues until its junction with the Catan-Lil- River where it becomes the Collon Cura.

Malalco Spring Creek

Born in the heart of Lanin National Park as a single spring, it gets bigger collecting more water for other springs and filtrations of wetlands, until it becomes into the finest spring creeks of the area.

Chimehuin River

The Chimehuin begins at the mouth of Huechulafquen Lake, near the base of the Lanin Volcano. It runs for 30 miles until the junction with the Collon Cura River.

Quilca River

Is the largest freestone we walk and wade in the area, very similar to the famous Malleo river. It starts as the natural outflow of Lake Quillen deep in the Lanin National Park in the core of the Andes mountains.

Rucachoroi Creek

It’s a freestone water that starts as the natural drain of a small lake also called Rucachoroi – which means “house of parrots” to the Mapuche culture. The upper stretch runs through a millinery wood of Araucarias (Monkey Puzzle Tree), it features medium sized boulders producing a good number of riffles, short deep pools and some great pocket water.

Lake Quillen

Quillen lake can produce one of the finests dry fly fishing experiences in the area. Originated by an extinct glacial, it stays clear and cold through the entire year. Along 13 miles it offers stunning views to the north face of Lanin Volcano (12,388 ft) Is the largest and less fished lake in this area and surrounded by a cold rainforest that covers the slopes of the mountains.

Caleufu River

The Caleufu is possibly one of the most beautiful rivers in northern Patagonia. This river’s 40-mile flow starts at the junction of the Meliquina and Filo Hua-Hum Rivers and ends at the Piedra del Aquila Reservoir.

Contact us
Have questions about our fly fishing programs or need more information? We’re here to help!