Spring Creek Lodge

The best of Northern Patagonia - #VARIETY

The main characteristic of the area is the variety. This applies to the variety of water available in less than one hour drive from the lodge for day floats, multi day floats on longer sections, walk and wade on the smaller rivers and streams and the glacier lakes for stillwater fishing. It also applies to the amount of non-fishing activities available for those looking to take a break from fishing, and do an alternative program.


Season runs November through May


Brown, Rainbow and Brook Trout


Abundace and Variety of Water within 1 hour drive.

ideal for

Solo Anglers, Couples, Families and groups of Friends

Other activities

Horseback riding, golf, hikes, tours and more.

The Fishing

The area between Junín de los Andes and Alumine in Northern Patagonia is the most prolific dry fly fishing region in the world. The variety and abundance of fishable water would allow you to fish a different location each day for more than 100 days. Dry fly fishing is available throughout the entire season, November through May.Spring Creek Lodge’s central location allows for easy access to northern Patagonia’s world-class trout waters. Five of the region’s most famous rivers, several spring creeks, and pristine mountain lakes are all a short drive away. This region is a dry fly mecca.During your stay at Spring Creek Lodge or Casa de Campo Lodge you can also choose to experience 2 or 3 day floats that incorporate overnight camping at our Deluxe Riverside Camp. This option is available on several of the larger rivers that we float.

Waters we fish

Check the waters we fish from Spring Creek lodge here.

Our Deluxe Camps

SET Fly Fishing Deluxe Camps allows you to fully immerse yourself into the Patagonian experience. Imagine a day where you fish the river, creek, or lake of your dreams and conclude the evening sitting by the campfire gazing into the southern night sky.

Our cooks have mastered the art of cooking over an open fire. Be ready to delight your taste buds with unique Argentine asados, roasted lamb prepared gaucho style, and much more.
Many years of providing this experience have allowed us to redefine camping. Andes Drifters dedicated camp staff will pamper you so that you never have to lift a finger!

Our deluxe camp trips focus on floating the five main rivers of northern Patagonia: Alumine, Caleufu, Chimehuin, Collon Cura and Limay. Many stretches of these rivers are remote and/or have extremely limited access. Camping programs provide the answer to allow you to experience and enjoy these otherwise inaccessible waters.


Alumine River

The Alumine is one of the longest rivers in northern Patagonia. This freestone river drains Lake Alumine and continues until its junction with the Catan-Lil- River where it becomes the Collon Cura.

Caleufu River

The Caleufu is possibly one of the most beautiful rivers in northern Patagonia. This river’s 40-mile flow starts at the junction of the Meliquina and Filo Hua-Hum Rivers and ends at the Piedra del Aquila Reservoir

Chimehuin River

The Chimehuin begins at the mouth of Huechulafquen Lake, near the base of the Lanin Volcano. It runs for 30 miles until the junction with the Collon Cura River.

Collón Cura

The Collon Cura is a major river of this region. Most of the other rivers of this drainage area are its tributaries. The course of the river travels through a beautiful valley from north to south and varies in width from approximately 70 to 150 feet.

Malleo River

The Malleo, a freestone river, internationally recognized for its dry fly fishing. The river drains from Tromen Lake near the base of the Lanin Volcano. After flowing approximately 30 miles it reaches the junction with the Alumine River.

Lake Tromen

Located at the base of the Lanin Volcano this beautiful lake is the source of the Malleo River. It is also the home to brook, brown and rainbow trout. We typically fish this lake sight casting, from powerboats, to large fish in the areas near fallen logs, rock cliffs and shoals.

Piedra del Aguila Reservoir

This enormous reservoir is created by the flows from the Limay, Collon Cura and Caleufu Rivers. The lake is the home to large rainbows and browns that feed on the multiple minnow species that inhabit the lake.

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