Northeast Argentinian Culture

Argentina is a vast territory with distinctly unique cultural variations that extend beyond specific provincial boundaries. These cultural differences are the foundation for shaping day-to-day activities and life.

Corrientes Province is located in northeastern Argentina. Together with Formosa and Misiones Provinces, the southern part of Brazil and most of Paraguay it makes-up the Guarani Native Territory. The Guarani are a group of culturally related indigenous people that still inhabit the area. Guarani language is still widely spoken in the region and many of the names of the areas flora and fauna are based on that language.

The town of Concepción del Yaguareté Corá is our gateway to the Ibera Wetlands and home to La Alondra Lodge. Parts of the town feel as though time has stood still and many of the older homes still feature a small chapel that was customary two hundred years ago. Concepcion is where the culture of the “country man” (paisano) and nature become one. To help you appreciate this National Historic treasure you’ll have the option to tour the town and several of its museums.

    You will be visiting:

  • Historic Museum
  • La Pilarcita – Children’s Thematic Museum
  • Corrientes’s Field and Rural Life Museum.

This tour will allow you to discover the historic roots of the town of Concepción del Yaguareté Corá. We’ll gain an understanding of the culture and traditions through emblematic and historical sites such as its chapels and handcraft ateliers. Additionally, we’ll also have the opportunity to taste ancestral Guaraní recipes.

Let the history be part of your trip!